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Smithsonian Castle.jpg
Smithsonian Castle.jpg
Smithsonian Natural History Museum.jpg
Smithsonian Natural History Museum.jpg
SunCoast Bank - Oldest Savings bank in DC.jpg
SunCoast Bank - Oldest Savings bank in DC.jpg
Supreme Court Building Front.jpg
Supreme Court Building Front.jpg
Treasury Building.jpg
Treasury Building.jpg
Treasury Seal Shield.jpg
Treasury Seal Shield.jpg
unt Vernon Front Gate.jpg
unt Vernon Front Gate.jpg
Washington Monument from Bay.jpg
Washington Monument from Bay.jpg
Washington Monument Straight Up.jpg
Washington Monument Straight Up.jpg
Washington Monument Through Blossums.jpg
Washington Monument Through Blossums.jpg
Washington Monument with Cherry Blossums.jpg
Washington Monument with Cherry Blossums.jpg
White House Back Lawn.jpg
White House Back Lawn.jpg
White House Front Lawn with Flowers.jpg
White House Front Lawn with Flowers.jpg
WW2 Atlantic Tower.jpg
WW2 Atlantic Tower.jpg
WW2 Memorial Atlantic Tower Interior.jpg
WW2 Memorial Atlantic Tower Interior.jpg