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032 - Versailles Courtyard - 2004.jpg
032 - Versailles Courtyard - 2004.jpg
033 - Hall of Statues at Versailles - 2004.jpg
033 - Hall of Statues at Versailles - 2004.jpg
034 - Statue of Victory at Versailles - 2004.jpg
034 - Statue of Victory at Versailles - 2004.jpg
035 - Gardens at Versailles - 2004.jpg
035 - Gardens at Versailles - 2004.jpg
036 - Moulin Rouge - 2004.jpg
036 - Moulin Rouge - 2004.jpg
038 - Church on Montmartre Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
038 - Church on Montmartre Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
040 - Street by Notre Dame Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
040 - Street by Notre Dame Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
041 - antiqued Notre Dame Front - 2004.jpg
041 - antiqued Notre Dame Front - 2004.jpg
042 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 1 - 2004.jpg
042 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 1 - 2004.jpg
043 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
043 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
044 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 3 - 2004.jpg
044 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 3 - 2004.jpg
045 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 4 - 2004.jpg
045 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 4 - 2004.jpg
046 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 5 - 2004.jpg
046 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 5 - 2004.jpg
047 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 6 - 2004.jpg
047 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 6 - 2004.jpg
048 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 7 - 2004.jpg
048 - Gargoyle Shot at Notre Dame Pic 7 - 2004.jpg