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001 - Outside Hotel - 2004.jpg
001 - Outside Hotel - 2004.jpg
002 - Church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois - 2004.jpg
002 - Church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois - 2004.jpg
003 - Lightpost with Church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois - 2004.jpg
003 - Lightpost with Church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois - 2004.jpg
004 - Gaspard de Coligny Statue - 2004.jpg
004 - Gaspard de Coligny Statue - 2004.jpg
005 - Small Pyramid at Louvre Courtyard - 2004.jpg
005 - Small Pyramid at Louvre Courtyard - 2004.jpg
006 - Carrousel Arch - 2004.jpg
006 - Carrousel Arch - 2004.jpg
007 - Ceiling Fresco at Louvre Pic 1 - 2004.jpg
007 - Ceiling Fresco at Louvre Pic 1 - 2004.jpg
008 - Ceiling Fresco at Louvre Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
008 - Ceiling Fresco at Louvre Pic 2 - 2004.jpg
009 - Painting of Mary at Louvre - 2004.jpg
009 - Painting of Mary at Louvre - 2004.jpg
010 - Statue of Ares at Louvre - 2004.jpg
010 - Statue of Ares at Louvre - 2004.jpg
011 - Statue of Hermes at Louvre - 2004.jpg
011 - Statue of Hermes at Louvre - 2004.jpg
012 - Statue of Mues Dite Melpomene at Louvre - 2004.jpg
012 - Statue of Mues Dite Melpomene at Louvre - 2004.jpg
013 - Statue of Venus at Louvre - 2004.jpg
013 - Statue of Venus at Louvre - 2004.jpg
014 - Mercury Riding Pegasis at Louvre - 2004.jpg
014 - Mercury Riding Pegasis at Louvre - 2004.jpg
015 - sarcophagus at Louvre - 2004.jpg
015 - sarcophagus at Louvre - 2004.jpg