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6-West point Stadium Grounds.jpg
6-West point Stadium Grounds.jpg
7-Cadets Filing In.jpg
7-Cadets Filing In.jpg
8-Honor Guard at Ceremony.jpg
8-Honor Guard at Ceremony.jpg
9-Secretary of the Army McHugh Entering.jpg
9-Secretary of the Army McHugh Entering.jpg
10-Stand for Vice President.jpg
10-Stand for Vice President.jpg
11-Beginning of Commencement.jpg
11-Beginning of Commencement.jpg
12-Vice President Speaks.jpg
12-Vice President Speaks.jpg
13-Hat Toss.jpg
13-Hat Toss.jpg
16-West Point Chapel.jpg
16-West Point Chapel.jpg
17-Cannon Row.jpg
17-Cannon Row.jpg
18-Marty with Cannons.jpg
18-Marty with Cannons.jpg
19-Monument Cannon Display.jpg
19-Monument Cannon Display.jpg
20-Bowen Fegit Cannon.jpg
20-Bowen Fegit Cannon.jpg
21-Revolutionary War Chain.jpg
21-Revolutionary War Chain.jpg
22-Hat at Rest.jpg
22-Hat at Rest.jpg